The Coal Exchange Hotel
The Front Street Tour
Across the street from the Rowland Theatre was the Coal Exchange Hotel. Built as the Parker House in 1883, proprietor William Parker changed the name to the Coal Exchange Hotel prior to the publishing of The Complete History of Philipsburg Borough 1895. An advertisement in the aforementioned publication boasts the hotel as “large and commodious...equipped with all the modern conveniences. Electric Lights...Electric Bells...Steam Heat...Good Livery Service.” It also advertised “the dining service is the best the markets can afford.” Imagine all of this for $2.00 per day! The building is still sometimes called “the old Brown’s Boot Shop.” In the 1920s, the popular chain of shoe stores bought the building and converted the ground floor from hotel lobby and restaurant to storefronts and rented the upstairs hotel rooms as apartments. Brown’s Boot Shop closed in the mid-1980s as the company folded.