The First Presbyterian Church and Parsonage
The Presqueisle Street Walking Tour

The first building on this lot was built in the late 1820s or early 1830s and was occupied by William Kinnear.
“Harry Warfel,” reports a September 1875 Journal article, “has purchased the lot of ground on Presqueisle street, known as the site of ‘the old match factory,’ and Messrs. Hoops, Humes & Co. have taken the contract to build him a good residence, upon which a force of workmen are busily engaged.”
In 1876, the paper reports, “The old match factory, one of the landmarks of half a century’s standing was torn down this week, the new residence of Mr. H.C. Warfel having been erected upon the lot on which it stood.”
H.C. Warfel was at one time the Burgess of Philipsburg and was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for capturing a rebel flag during the Civil War.
This church was built in 1908, with the parsonage likely dating to the 1920s. The previous Presbyterian Church was located on 2nd St., and it burned down on July 4, 1907, when a rocket caught the roof on fire.
***You will visit two locations at your next stop!