The Red Brick Building
The Presqueisle Street Walking Tour

This red brick building dates to 1874, when, reported The Philipsburg Journal, “A.J. Dress is putting up a two-story brick building for a shoe shop at his recently acquired property...” The building served as the home of The Journal (daily and weekly) from the 1880s. At times, especially in the early years, the newspaper struggled to find newsworthy events in our small town. Many articles were more gossip than news.
“W.H. Wigton, Superintendent of the Morrisdale Mines, is in receipt of a genuine German pipe, with a stem a yard long, a present from a friend at Heidelberg, or some other university in Germany.” And... “George Mock has a chicken with six toes on one foot!” are examples of early “news” stories.
***You won't have to walk far for the next location, it's right next door!